Document 1903 DOCN M94A1903 TI Face to face communication programme in Jamaica. DT 9412 AU Lyttle C; Byfield L; Figueroa JP; Ministry of Health, Epidemiology Unit, Kingston, Jamaica, W.I. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):425 (abstract no. PD0307). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370672 AB OBJECTIVE: To conduct innovative and interactive activities islandwide aimed at promoting safe sex. METHODS: Sixty (60) multi-disciplinary volunteers were trained to carry out innovative and culturally accepted strategies targeting those at high risk for HIV/STD and hard to reach groups, in order to reinforce media campaign messages and establish condom use as a norm. A monitoring report is completed after each session. RESULTS: A variety of learning exercises have been developed including condom demonstrations, role play, drama and games: risk wheel, pin the condom on the penis, condom race, condom cards and handshake. After one year 109,925 persons have been reached through 3,820 sessions with interpersonal strategies in traditional and non-traditional settings. The number of persons at sessions carrying condoms have increased from 3% to 25%. Condom skill as measured by dildo demonstrations has increased by 50%. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The programme made some impact. However, in order to reach more people, selected resource persons within organizations are being trained, so that they can in turn train their community and outreach workers, using these strategies. DE Communication Condoms Female Human HIV Infections/*PREVENTION & CONTROL Jamaica Male Play and Playthings *Sex Education Sexually Transmitted Diseases/*PREVENTION & CONTROL Voluntary Workers MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).